Big News! We added second service! Join us at 8:15 & 11am with Sunday School at 10am.

Our Beliefs


Evergreen Church is a community of Jesus' followers committed to loving Salem, OR. We were founded in 2001. Jesus links us to God's people throughout the centuries, and so our beliefs are not new. They are summarized concisely by the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed from the 4th century. A larger expression is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith, as adopted by our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. 


We believe…

God is mysterious and wonderful. He is the creator of all things and the source of all goodness, one being in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus is God the Son and our fellow human. He lived, died, resurrected and ascended for us. One day he will return to make all things new.

The gospel is the announcement that Jesus is king. It promises peace and justice to the world and restoration to all who trust in him.

Flourishing is vibrant life. It begins when we acknowledge that only Jesus’ kingship can heal our lives and redeem this world.

Sin is evil. It is the absence of God’s goodness, and it prevents flourishing. To overcome it in our lives, we need forgiveness.

Forgiveness is God’s gift to cancel the guilt of sin and restore us to himself. We receive it by admitting our need and trusting in Jesus alone.

The purpose of life now is to make God famous, and we do that by embracing the gospel and practicing the ways of Jesus’ kingship.

Community is God’s design for all people. Jesus our king integrates us into his family so that we belong to God and to one another.